Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 33 Update

Our little guy is now 7 months old and army crawling! In just a few days he went from spinning in a circle to making tracks in a very straight, very fast line. We still have no "childproofing" done. Lindsay is finishing up her first week of classes today, and is coming back home for one night this weekend. Lauren still has another week before she begins her junior year. She is done with her summer job (watching Matthew) and is seeking an after-school job now. Time flew by and Matthew starts full-time at our on-site daycare next Monday. One perk I hadn't expected with Lauren watching him was that she helped us understand his daily routine much better than 5 day a week daycare would have afforded us. It's very clear when he's tired vs. hungry and that sort of thing. Early on when it was just me home during the day, I second-guessed myself so much. Heck, I hear I will be doing that for the rest of my life, is that right parents out there? This week we went to the wake of a 37 year old mother who passed away after a 4+ year cancer battle. Her 5 year old son was quoted as saying "Mom, even if I knew you for only 5 minutes, I would love you right away." Hug your kids, hug your spouse, hug your family and friends. Life is precious - live it well. Today Jeff and I are on vacation for the annual United Way boat ride excursion. Here's to living!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 31 Update

FFV 2009 was a blast. The weather was a bit cooler than recent years but the kids still spent a fair amount of time in the water and Alec was the winning polish golf champion. Matthew slept great in his pack-n-play. With Seattle, FFV and boating he has been a trooper, although getting adjusted back to his crib took a few nights. He has a more golden tan than I do, thank goodness he inherited Jeff's skin tone. This is short and sweet to get some new pics out here. In less than a week Lindsay is off to Winona, and soon after Matthew will be in daycare full-time and Lauren will start 11th grade. We are excited for all that is coming and enjoying every moment of today. Off to get Matthew's 6 month pictures!