Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 37 Update

7:30pm and it's already dark, summer is waning, winter is looming, change is in the air (or should I say continues to be in the air). Just over a month ago Lindsay ventured off to college and Matthew began venturing from the general area we last left him (yes, he started crawling, army style). Both have been busy exploring their new worlds, building their strength and confidence, getting a few bumps, and ultimately growing in many ways (fun for us all to be part of). Lauren started back to school and is jazzed to have the car all to herself. (No, it's not OK to just drive to the Mall of America without permission. Yes, your parents will find out.) Over Labor Day, we took a long boating trip to Lake Pepin and had dinner at the Harborview Cafe - yum! This past weekend, family from Kansas City (Aunt Mae, Liz, Kathy, and Diana) joined us up river to Hudson. Kristi and Matthew power-shopped with them at the Mall and Ikea for 7 hours. Matthew was awake the entire time, absorbing all of the sights and sounds. As summer draws to a close, and Matthew celebrates his 8 month birthday, we can't help but reflect on the wonder of this year. Life is good.