Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Week 27 Update

Matthew was 6 months old last week. We are finally getting his pictures taken tomorrow night. It's also Lauren's championship game for the State soccer tourney. Her team has played very well so far. A neighbor had a hypnotist at their house recently and Lindsay "went under." Jeff was in attendance and says the highlight was when she thought she was Britney Spears, complete with lip synching. She is very excited to get to college, and we are all amazed that she leaves in less than a month. Last week I had a business trip to Seattle. Jeff and Matthew came with and we had a great time. He flew first class and received his "First Flight" certificate from Northwest Airlines, which will be a collector item soon. We spent some time at the local wineries with Matthew in the Baby Bjorn (are you surprised?) and found a local winery named Matthews. Our friend Marnie was also in town for meetings and babysat him one evening while Jeff and I went to dinner. This was such a blessing - thank you Marnie! Seattle has wonderful restaurants. If you have a reason to visit let me know. For example, we ate at an organic restaurant one evening. They weren't exactly set up for a baby but when we needed to change the boy, I was led to the spa downstairs and changed him in style. Too bad I didn't bring the camera with me. On our final day, the client wanted to meet Matthew so he and Jeff joined us for lunch. I did not expense his rice cereal and bananas. Matthew did very well on the plane rides. He spent so much time on planes in utero, we figured he would be a seasoned traveler by now. He continues to thrill us with his smiles, laughter and new abilities. You should be able to see both of his teeth in at least one picture.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 24 Update

I wondered how many weeks would pass us by before Kristi exercised her delegation skills...

Much has happened since our last update: Lindsay registered for her first semester of college and learned they selected a good friend, Alli, to be her roommate (I think they were both somewhat relieved).

Lauren, Lauren, Lauren... she's doing a great job taking care of Matthew (part-time job this summer) and her soccer team made the state tournament. Today, she spent a great deal of time trying to convince me she should be able to stay out until midnight on a weekday, I settled for 10:30 (I was labeled "the strictest dad in the world", I'll add it to my collection).

Matthew has grown 2 pounds, he started eating solids (rice cereal on Father's day, Avocado the week after, and now sweet potatoes), he can sit by himself now, and his first tooth came in. Why Avocado you ask, well, that's what all the research says is the best. He remains good natured and is "sleeping well" (a question we get often), I hope it continues.